Create grid reports 50x faster than conventional reporting tools! It takes just 30 seconds and 1 line of code. It's as easy as 1,2,3. |
- Drop a TpdtPrintDAT component on your form
- Give it the name of the grid to print
- Add "pdtPrintDAT1.Print" to a button.
and you're done. Compile and run your program.
PrintDAT! makes you more productive because it has the features programmers want. |
- Print TdbGrid, TStringGrid. TTable, TQuery,
TDecisionGrid, TDecisionQuery, TwwDBGrid, TwwTable, TwwQuery, T_IBGrid and T_IBQuery.
- Print from these databases: DBISAM, Advantage, Topaz, FlashFiler, BDE, Apollo, CodeBase, DiamondAccess, DiamondADO or any TDataset compatible component
- Print super wide grids, 1000+ columns across using horiz. page breaks
- Create column totals with 1 mouse click. Choose from Count, Sum, Min, Max, Average, Standard Deviation and Variance.
- Output to screen (built-in report viewer with zoom), printer, text file, clipboard.
- Add report titles and footers at runtime.
- Print memos
and long strings by word-wrapping within a cell!
- For the first time ever, print your TDecisionGrid (DecisionCube) and the summarized data (TDecisionQuery) that went into making it.
- Export any grid, including dbGrids, StringGrids, DecisionGrids, TTable, TQuery to any spreadsheet like MS Excel, to other databases or to graphics programs using ASCII delimited file output.
- Autosizes
the grid column widths. Auto-fits grid to page.
- Shrink to Page
and Expand To Page
- Newspaper Panels
to snake narrow grids across page
- Report passwords
- Super fast printing
10+ pages/sec (to a text file)
- No DLL's or Active-X to worry about. Written in VCL.
- PrintDAT! is compatible with these
third party tools
Once you've used PrintDAT! to print a grid, you'll never go back. |
Why PrintDAT!? |
Find out why PrintDAT! is better than conventional report writers. |
See the steps to create a report |
Click here to visit our tutorial page to see how easy it really is! |
Download a trial version now |
Visit our download page for an evaluation version of the component as well as a demo version. |
I would like to order PrintDAT! right now. |
If you would like to purchase the software just fill in the order form and we will provide you with a serial # to unlock the software to its full potential. So what are you waiting for?Order now! |
Contact webmaster with questions regarding this site. copyright ©1997-2006 by Grebar Systems Inc. All rights reserved. |
Site updated Wednesday, October 18, 2017 |